Become a Komen Lubbock Volunteer

What would we do without our volunteers? There is a very simple answer to that question: We could not exist! Your support as a Komen Lubbock volunteer is essential if we are to continue our work to fulfill the promise of our mission to eradicate breast cancer as a life threatening disease by advancing research, education, screening and treatment.
If you have a couple of hours a year, a couple of hours a month, or a couple of hours a week, we have a place for you. As an Affiliate volunteer, you can assist in our office or in the outreach program throughout the community. Our Race volunteers concentrate their efforts on planning and staging our yearly Komen Lubbock Race for the Cure® which is held in October.
For more information, please email [email protected] or call 806.698.1900.
Sponsor Opportunities
Our goal is to underwrite Race expenses through both cash and in-kind contributions. Opportunities exist at various levels from $250 to $15,000, with increasing benefits for your organization.
In-kind donations of products or services are most welcome. Monetary donations not only cover the expense of holding the Race, but also are used to award grants to Lubbock area organizations to fund breast cancer educational programs, screening and treatment.